Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Thanksgiving is a good time of the year. I spend time with family and eating an evolved dinosaur is icing on the cake. Some people like to spend 8+ hours outside in temperatures that don't break 20 to purchase items at a discounted price, but to each his own.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Travel

One of today's assignments was holiday travel. Ugh. Should I look for cars on the road or somebody filling up their tank? I headed to the DeKalb Oasis and met a very friendly family from Virginia heading to Mount Morris sitting down for a fast food meal. I talked with them only moments before they allowed me to photograph them. Most of the time I expect people to say no and that's one of my faults, but I know if I saw some goofball who looked like me with a camera asking to take my picture or my family's, then I'd probably say no, but that's just me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Basketball Preview

Nothing special here. Just one of ten portraits from our basketball preview section that came out today.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Yesterday I photographed a woman making dinner at her home for her family. The woman has a LINK card which wasn't credited at the beginning of the month when it should have. Feeding her family is a constant struggle. So while watching her cook dinner I noticed a calendar on the wall near the stove with a painting of a man presenting a turkey to his wife for Thanksgiving done by Norman Rockwell and so I came up with this.